
White Paper 1: Get the Keys to Guide Your Industry to 4.0

Published on: 10 February 2023

Decarbonizing the manufacturing industry is now a major challenge for economic, geopolitical, and environmental reasons. Energy Renovation and Renewable Energies: What actions should be implemented to achieve this? Energy Renovation and Renewable Energies: What actions should be implemented to achieve this?
To help you in this transition, we have written the Dametis White Paper in three chapters, so you can get the keys to guide your industry to 4.0!

This White Paper was made possible by Dametis experts:

Julian Aristizabal
Co-founder, CEO

Jérémy Barrais
Product Manager

Nicolas Duran
Co-founder, CTO

Sébastien Papouin
Technical Director

Cyril Quemeneur
Energy Engineer

Chapter 1: Moving Towards Industry 4.0 – Data and Human Expertise at the Heart of Your Decarbonization Strategy

I. Environmental Memory and Intelligence

“If ‘the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race’ (Stephen Hawking, 2014), intelligent software, on the other hand, can mark the end of energy waste in industry. For example, energy data involved in manufacturing a product – from mascara to automobiles to puree pouches – far exceeds the storage and processing capacity of the human brain.”

• An Already Outsourced ‘Energy Memory’

Naturally, professionals began by externalizing their “energy memory” in paper files and Excel spreadsheets. This is the case when an operator reads the meters on a printed sheet and stores it in a binder, before a colleague eventually copies the data, with varying degrees of error, onto a computer. The same phenomenon of outsourced storage occurs when various software programs slumber in a corner of the factory, storing data of all kinds, particularly energy data, without doing anything with it.

• The Limits of Excel Spreadsheets

Julian Aristizabal, CEO of Dametis: “Today, many industrial sites manage their energy with simple Excel spreadsheets. This involves the time-consuming and hazardous task of retrieving data – during plant tours5 , which in the absence of automated transmission can take 30 minutes or even an hour a day – and then integrating it, with a lot of copying and pasting, rewriting errors, stacking up versions created by different users… This method takes away precious time to reflect on these data (which are in any case incomplete and unreliable compared to those that would be returned by a good EMS).”

• Human and A.I. Together Facing the Ecological Challenge

Software to measure environmental performance is therefore (among other things) a new factory memory. When this software is sufficiently sophisticated, the data it contains is correct, well-organized and easy to access, contextualized and non-redundant. What’s special is that this memory can be mobilized simultaneously by two types of brain: human and algorithmic. While we should be concerned that, generally speaking, in our societies “the computer comes to represent an ideal in the light of which real thought perversely ends up appearing deficient” (Matthew B. Crawford)6, we must nevertheless recognize that the human mind cannot meet the challenge of industrial energy saving alone.

• Software Orchestras for ‘Environmental’ in the Factory of the Future

Software is already essential in today’s plants as they move towards the “minimum energy achievable” (MEA), and will become even more important as production sites become increasingly automated.

Programmable machine tools, welding and painting robots, remote-controlled forklifts, handling and assembly automatons have long been part of the factory and warehouse,” recalls Charles-Édouard Bouée in his book Confucius et les automates (ed. Grasset, 2014)7
But the new generation of this equipment will be nothing like the previous ones, because they will acquire more and more intelligence and, thanks to the Internet, they will be able to connect and communicate with each other.”

In Industry 4.0, environmental performance software will be the conductor of the ecological stakes in this “new cyber-physical reality”.

• Human Remains Essential

Julian Aristizabal, CEO de Dametis :
“The software is based on man-machine collaboration. Because in a factory, we always end up having to deal with exceptional situations, which again require human intervention. Software doesn’t create expertise; it works on the basis of human expertise written in algorithmic form. There are also things it can’t do, like (re)calibrating sensors8 – which inevitably drift over time, in other words, the zero shifts and the data returned is false.”

II. Environmental Expertise in Software

• ‘Expert Systems’ in the Service of Industrialists

A collaborative environmental transition platform should ideally concentrate the world’s human expertise in industrial environmental efficiency in the hands of each user. To achieve this, it must be a true expert system. “An expert system is an artificial intelligence (A.I.) computer tool, designed to simulate the know-how of a specialist, in a precise and well-defined field, thanks to the exploitation of a certain amount of knowledge explicitly provided by experts in the field.”

• Challenging Factories Against the World’s Best Performances

In addition, the expertise provided must be sufficiently rich to integrate the best environmental scores (energy among others) at world level, updated across all industries.
The EMS software can thus challenge utilities and processes by comparing them with the best performances worldwide. Of course, there’s no such thing as a pre-packaged repository that you can simply “pour” into the software… These data must be derived from the accumulated field experience (plant visits and audits, implementation and monitoring of measurement plans, etc.) of the company supplying the software, supplemented by specialized documentary research.

• Users of an EMS Can Enhance Their Energy Skills

By nature, an expert software transfers to industrial users an augmented knowledge traditionally held by employees, contractors, and consultants. However, there is no risk of losing energy skills internally, as the software is not a “black box” from which strange recommendations and assessments would emanate, but rather a transparent and intuitive tool serving humans. Generally, “software should enable user autonomy – particularly in France where there is a fairly strong technical maturity, with highly qualified operators – by being flexible and open.” (Julian Aristizabal, CEO of Dametis).
The Dametis expert system is defined by a dual transfer of expertise: on one hand (and by definition), a process of concentrating our experts’ knowledge in the platform, and on the other hand, a process of disseminating this knowledge to all users (especially on-site operators). Our users, who are involved in using the software, continuously increase their level of skills and gain autonomy in environmental performance.

III. 4.0 Data Artisans for Environmental Data

A software must first collect, second by second, a large amount of data, wherever it may be: PLCs, ERPs, MES, sensors, virtual sensors with algorithms… And just like a carpenter studies his wood before working with it – is it sturdy, irregular, knotted…? – a software must “understand” its material (the data) before doing anything with it. Is the data erroneous (sensor drift, parameter error…) or correct?

• Reflecting the life of the factory and eliminating “technical debts”

“I have visited factories where the software data was so disconnected from reality that the tool became unusable,” says Julian Aristizabal, CEO of Dametis. These technical debts concern, to varying degrees, 90% of the software I encounter.

What some software designers forget is that industrialists spend their time seeking solutions to concrete problems, and therefore modifying their installations. A software must reflect reality and take into account even the smallest changes that, over time, shape the factory.

• Examples of daily changes to consider

The software must constantly maintain a critical eye on the data but also eliminate “technical debts” by assimilating daily changes (feeding a process, configuring a utility…). Tapping to interconnect two cold networks will change the performance of both networks, an automation engineer can easily change an addressing to optimize communication between two PLCs. Intelligent software must be able to follow these evolutions.

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