MyDametis EMS Software: industry expertise × software power

Imagine having specialists working 24/7 to optimize your industrial sites. That’s what MyDametis offers you, the only software 100% designed by experts in environmental performance.

Our EMS (Energy Management Software) MyDametis has already provided the keys to more than 40 companies to boost the environmental performance of their industrial sites.

EMS software

5 reasons to choose MyDametis EMS software

The brains of our experts integrated into EMS software to enhance your performance

You don’t have all the resources in-house to manage your environmental performance? Are you having trouble finding experts to work with you?

EMS software MyDametis is made up of business rules defined by real experts in each area of environmental performance. With MyDametis, these brains are at your disposal 24/7; human expertise enhanced by technology.

EMS software
EMS software

Manage energy, water, and
material waste from a single

Are you exhausted from juggling several monitoring tools and modules to correlate different indicators?

With EMS MyDametis software, this problem is a thing of the past. Supervise all your industrial sites from a single interface, accessible to all your employees concerned by environmental performance issues. No more worries about double entries! Interfaced with your software and physical objects, MyDametis is at the heart of your strategy to improve environmental performance.

Save time and focus on what matters.

Do you spend an enormous amount of time collecting and analyzing your consumption data when you could be investing it in other, higher value-added actions?

MyDametis EMS software takes care of all these time-consuming tasks for you. Invest the time you save in interpreting data and making decisions to improve performance indicators.

EMS software
EMS software

Simplify the task for every role.

Do your employees sometimes find it hard to understand each other? A tool that is clear for one is not always clear for the other?

Parameterize and customize the MyDametis EMS software interface to meet the challenges of each business. Whether it’s specific data or a macro view of environmental performance, an energy budget forecasting dashboard or real-time alert messages, MyDametis can speak to every business.

Opt for a simple and intuitive interface.

There’s one major problem with EMS software similar to MyDametis: their interface is complicated and difficult to get to grips with.

We designed the MyDametis interface to be usable by any employee. With drag-and-drop functionality, two-click parameterization, the option of adding photos of your machines, and highly visual rendering with graphs and histograms, the interface is intuitive down to the smallest detail. What’s more, you can mention your colleagues to find solutions collaboratively.

EMS software

Your ideal factory through the
Lego theory

To optimize the environmental performance of your industrial sites, the EMS MyDametis software uses the principles of Lego theory.

Why the Lego theory?

Before we can improve plant performance, we need to know where we’re starting from and what ideal we’re aiming for. But how do you define standards when every plant is different? This is where the Lego theory makes sense. While each plant is a unique combination of utilities and processes, the same utilities and processes can be found from one plant to the next. Just like Lego blocks, there are a limited number of basic elements which, when combined together, create an infinite number of complex assemblies. The blocks of any plant can be modeled, standardized and thus compared with those of other plants or ideal virtual plants.

Towards your ideal virtual factory

The idea is to compare your plant with the best version of itself in terms of environmental performance.

To achieve this, our MyDametis EMS software starts by mapping your entire plant, breaking it down into blocks and sub-blocks. Each block is assigned an energy and environmental efficiency score compared to a virtual equivalent block.

For under-performing blocks, Dametis defines the margin for improvement and the changes to be made to move towards the ideal plant.

How does MyDametis EMS software work?

Dametis has developed innovative methods for typing blocks and sub-blocks, combining mathematical modeling, R&D, technology watch and real-time monitoring. When sobriety and energy efficiency are at their peak, modeling helps maintain a high level of performance over time. In short, the Lego theory makes it possible to define a frame of reference in which the scoring of environmental performance is standardized.

How MyDametis works, your energy management software and much more.

EMS software

Business expertise × software power

With over 20 years’ experience, our industry experts are at the cutting edge of their respective fields: energy, water and material loss management.

MyDametis EMS software encapsulates all our business expertise and combines it with the power of data processing software.

Based on Smart Data technology, our algorithms collect and process performance data on a second-by-second basis.

This powerful data processing capability enables us to prescribe the optimum settings in real time, according to an exhaustive list of constraints: site requirements and capacities, technical interactions and simultaneities, environmental objectives, etc.

MyDametis: the EMS software, step by step.

1. Collect

plant data and visualize environmental performance in real time.

2. Model

your plant’s data and compare it with its virtual ideal to identify potential margins for improvement and savings.

4. Recommend

the best solutions and actions to be taken for optimum energy and environmental efficiency.

5. Detect

automatically detect deviations thanks to pre-set alarms.

Features designed for you by our experts


Supervise all your processes in real time with the synoptic

The Synoptic module of MyDametis allows you to display and supervise in real time any installation or process diagram. The synoptic focuses on one production line or utility at a time: for example, compressed air.

With the Synoptic module:

- Visualize a complex process at a glance
- Display the connections between physical elements
- Monitor operating data
- Detect any deviations
- Easily display the diagrams you want to follow with drag and drop
- Customize your interface with visuals of your own installations


Set up alerts, work with peace of mind

The Alarm feature alerts you in case of critical drift for industrial control. You can configure this alert based on a measured variable (counter, sensor) or a calculated variable (significant difference between a measured value and an estimated value).

With the Alarm feature:

- List critical points and automatically ensure they do not drift
- Visualize each triggered alarm, its status, and who acknowledged it
- Choose which team member should be alerted and how (WhatsApp, SMS, email, etc.)
- Work peacefully knowing that you will be notified in case of suspicion or malfunction


Generate customized, efficient reporting

All your employees can generate customized reports thanks to the Reports feature.

With the Reports feature:

- Each user can generate reports tailored to the needs and challenges of their job
- Obtain precise statistics (average, deviation from the estimated, minimum and maximum reached, cost savings volume, etc.)
- Summarize performance indicators compared to a modeled objective
- Get an overview of your group and compare the performance of different industrial sites
- Customize your report in two clicks using drag and drop
- Edit the same report with multiple users
- Your reports are user-friendly and easy to read thanks to colorful and highly visual graphs


Identify the origins of the drifts

The Playground module calculates variables, solves equations, and models data to highlight the influential parameters that are causing drifts.

With the Playground feature:

- Gain a better understanding of production tools behavior
- Explore complex data and easily identify the root causes of drifts
- Add as many variables and calculations as you want
- Measure the difference between two points freehand, modify a period in just two clicks
- Comment on graphs and notify your colleagues by mentioning them


Comprehensive and responsive support at your service

Whether it’s to guide you in using the energy management software or to resolve technical issues, our MyDametis support team is at your service.

A dedicated team always at your side

EMS software

Dedicated team of engineers and solutions experts

EMS software
Located in France in Paris and Angers
EMS software
Your contact person: Wijdane, Support Engineer

How does MyDametis support work?

0 - Search our FAQ

Accessible from your client portal, our FAQ lists the most frequently asked questions about MyDametis. You’ll likely find the solution to your issue there. If not, you can proceed to the next step.

1 - Ask your question

From your MyDametis customer portal, ask us your question or indicate where you are blocked. Your request automatically creates a ticket that will be processed within 4 working hours. You can also call our remote maintenance support team directly.

2 - An expert answers your questions

An expert from our MyDametis support team will get back to you within 3 days in the event of a blocking fault, and within 5 days in the event of a major fault.

3 - You receive a follow-up report

Once the problem has been solved, you receive a follow-up report summarizing the progress of the resolution, step by step. For our part, it allows us to improve the quality of our MyDametis support.

Our support team resolves your technical issues.

Our technical support team is at your service to ensure the smooth operation of the MyDametis EMS software. In case of an issue, an expert will intervene to resolve it as quickly as possible.


Operational maintenance

Checking the box

and its proper functioning

System monitoring

Monitoring of the data collection system for the box and platform

Alarm creation

for predefined critical data failures


Fault detection

based on critical data or other parameters

Standardized reporting

for out-of-service data and inconsistent data

EMS software and

and its configuration (data acquisition and block diagram)

Analysis and correction

of inconsistent data

Assistance with interfacing

new equipment

Technical book update

Take it one step further: train with MyDametis
Each Key User in your company is entitled to 2 hours’ training per month covering the use of MyDametis. You’ll also receive our newsletter announcing new features on MyDametis to simplify your day-to-day environmental performance management.


Master your environmental performance like our experts

Dametis Expertise is our all-inclusive support package that gives you the keys to taking your environmental performance even further. Do you need to learn how to create customized synoptics or reports? Would you like to set up your own alarms to alert your teams in the event of drift on a specific utility? Dametis Expertise also offers one-off assignments outside the scope of MyDametis. Would you like to strengthen your energy team? to benefit from precise reporting on your installations, and support you in implementing corrective actions? An expert will visit your industrial site to help you gradually become more autonomous in these areas.


The Dametis offer is 360. The ultimate solution that combines industry expertise with software power.

energy management software


energy management software


energy management software


energy management software



Improve your environmental performance, shall we get started?

Would you like to try out MyDametis? Request your demo now and get to grips with our software platform.


They chose

Initially, Dametis experts used the MyDametis software to analyze the origin of material loss in our plants. They’ve managed to save us far more than we ever expected. Following this success, we became interested in MyDametis and now use it on a daily basis. When you know how to master it, it’s a superpower in a field like ours!

Industrial Site Manager
Dairy Industry